
Wednesday, April 8, 2015

These broken stars (The Starbound Trilogy #1) by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner

The Icarus, newest and most luxurious spacecraft in the known universe, has crashed on an unpopulated, unknown planet, with the loss of 50,000 lives. Only two people survive. Major Tarver Merendsen, a cynical young war hero from humble beginnings, and Lilac LaRoux, the richest girl in the universe, and daughter of the most powerful man.

Together the two must work together to survive as they journey across the lonely planet in the hopes of rescue. Surprisingly, the largest obstacles they face are their own prejudices about each other, and Lilac’s fear of her father’s disapproval as her dependence on, and friendship, with Tarver blossoms. Yet the planet is more than it seems, with mysterious voices both helping and hindering their progress and their hopes of escape.

This novel, co-written by an Australian and American author, kept me riveted, despite having only two characters. It’s well worth a read, even if sci-fi is not your usual genre.

Caitlin @ Balwyn Library.

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