While Bod remains within the graveyard he is safe from those who would try to kill him. He has been given the freedom of the graveyard by the ghosts which means he can fade like they do and pass through things like they can as well as see and converse with ghosts. The ghosts teach him about many things and he explores the graveyard meeting strange beings who are older than time. But the outside world calls to Bod. Scarlett, a girl Bod met when he was a young boy, reappears in his life and with her comes the outside world and the man Jack in disguise. This leads to the climax of the book where Bod must face Jack and avenge the deaths of his family.
- Rita
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This is one of the best junior books I have read this year. Do yourself a favour and read it. If you're a teenager, don't be put off by it being in the junior shelves. It's a great read.